Other Mechanics
The different mechanics available by default and their configurations sorted by category
This allows you to turn any item into a backpack.
This mechanic might cause duplication issues! If you find any please open a bug-report and we will fix them as soon as possible!\
Misc Mechanic
On 1.20.5+ use the new FireResistant-Component instead of burns_in_x
This mechanic has a bunch of small changes you can make to your item. What they each do should be pretty self-explanatory.
This allows you to execute commands (as the console, a player or op player). If this option is not often the most elegant it has the merit of simplifying a lot of things. You can create a cooldown between usages, check if the player has a specific permission and use the item (understand decrease its amount by one when the command is performed).
Armor Effects
This allows you to bind a Potion Effect to an armor (or a hat) so that when you equip it you'll get the effect. Here is a list of all potion effect types available.
You can also make an effect only apply if the entire set it equipped.
This mechanic allows you to run various events when a player clicks a block or furniture. It is very customizable, so it also has a dedicated tutorial page.
With this mechanic, you can change the item type detected by NexoBlocks. Make sure to use a type declared inside the block mechanic.
With this mechanic, you can avoid the players to lose their item when they die.
Custom mechanic
This mechanic allows you to customize events, conditions and actions. Since it is a quite rspecial mechanic, it has its dedicated tutorial page.
Have you ever dreamed of being able to throw lightning bolts? This is for you.
lightning_bolts_amount: how many lightning bolts will be spawned?
random_location_variation: the random variation range between bolts (in blocks)
delay: delay between usage in milliseconds (1000ms = 1s)
Want to steal hearts to your opponents when you hit them?
EnergyBlast is a very cool mechanic that creates a cone of particles to attack entities.
Send wither skulls when right clicking!
Harvesting allows you to recolt and replant automatically wheat in a certain radius.
Smelting allows you to instantly melt iron and gold ores when you mine them. This supports fortune and silktouch.
Last updated