Repository & Dependencies
Add Nexo-support to your plugin
Repository & Dependency Info
You can find the repository and dependency notice here.
All methods and better explanations of their functionality and parameters can be found in the actual Classes. Simply open them in your IDE to get a full list of them.
Examples of use
Nexo is built around an ItemBuilder class that allows you to create items easily. When the plugin starts it parses the configurations to generate builders for each type of items. Each builder can be used to generate itemstacks.
NexoItems class:
Get an ItemBuilder from a Nexo-ItemID
Get the Nexo-ItemID from an ItemStack
You can use to check if an ItemStack is an NexoItem (it will return null if the Nexo-ItemID doesn't exist)
Custom Blocks & Furniture
Place a NexoBlock
Place a NexoBlock at a given location
Place an NexoFurniture at a given location, optionally setting a player for rotation purposes
Nexo allows you to add your own mechanics to the plugin, it is a little bit more complex than the rest, that's why there is a dedicated tutorial.
Last updated